Why is it that even though German Shepherd dogs are supposedly mega-intelligent and extremely easy to train, Buster insists on sleeping on my pillow, even though I bellow "GET OFF MY PILLOW!!!" at least 10 times a day?!
He is a bit of an old man at 11 and a half now and so we are pampering him a bit,
but still ......................
.................................... lying on my pillow is just taking the mick!
It's no wonder I keep coming out in spots.
*rolls eyes, shudders and goes "ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!" *LOL
Ewwwwwww! #2 -
Why is it that when anything "yucky" needs to be done, DH is nowhere to be found?
DS, now 5, has been potty trained for years and independent on the toilet since I can't remember when, so why does he choose tonight to sit on the toilet and say ....................................
DS: Mam ....... I've got poo stuck to me ............. get it off ..............
Me: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You'll notice I haven't included a photo of this one!! *LOL*
Come on, guys! Give me a break!!
Don't you know I've still got Christmas knitting left to knit!!
I haven't got time for ANYTHING else!!!!!!!!! *LOL*
yes but you can't resist those GSD eyes that say "what've I done wrong?" and the older they get the better at it they get!
But Buster looks so cute - and he knows it!
I suppose I should be grateful I don't get the bum end on my pillow like DH does! *LOL* ;0) Now that really would be annoying! ;0)
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