I bought just 7 skeins of Wigwam in 'Morello Mash', a gorgeous deep cherry colour, just enough to knit a textured v-neck sweater.
I then wandered around the shop for a while, having a squish of this yarn and that yarn, feeling quite smug that I could resist the loveliness all around me and that I hadn't gone mad and bought all the lovely skeins of yarn I could see hanging everywhere.
And then I happened to see this -
As the Borg would say "resistance is futile"!!! ;0)
I *had* to have it. It's probably one of the most expensive yarns in the shop and I really don't need another WIP at the moment but I had to have it. It's such a beautiful colour that words fail me when I try to explain just how beautiful it is. It's so gorgeous I'd happily have its babies and cook and clean for it for the rest of my life! Seriously, it's *that* gorgeous!
I quickly gathered up all the skeins on the shelf - well, I didn't want anyone else getting their mitts on it, did I?! ;0)
When the fog of pretty-yarn-frenzy had lifted slightly, I realised it might be a good idea to have a flick through the pattern book that accompanies this yarn to see what I could actually knit with it. There are at least 4 things in the book I want to knit - my family will be pleased that buying Christmas presents for me this year will be a doddle! ;0)
A strange thing happened to me on the way home yesterday and I'm now convinced that fate somehow intervened and I was *meant* to buy this yarn.
Let me explain - the colourway of this yarn is 'Salty Dog' - I know, not the prettiest of names! Anyway, as I was driving home after the course yesterday, I happened to be flicking through the radio channels. These days I very rarely listen to the radio in the car as I always have my i-Pod plugged in. However, I'd forgotten to charge my i-Pod so was stuck with the radio. ;0) As I surfed the different channels trying to find something half-decent to listen to, I heard a woman singing a bluesy sort of song, maybe from the 1940s (ish). But the spookiest thing was that this song was called - "I'm a Salty Dog".
What are the chances of that?! Spooky indeed! I'm now convinced that I was *meant* to buy this yarn. ;0)
Oh, I'd better tell you about the course I went on! ;0) It was called Knitting in All Directions and was excellent. I met up with Joy and it was lovely to have such good company all day. :0)
We then moved on to equilateral triangles -
here are 4 small triangles. Next, you could pick up enough stitches to make a larger triangle along one edge and just keep going until you get the effect you want.
Finally, she showed us how to make shells. These would make a really pretty border - unfortunately, the yarn I chose doesn't really show up the pattern but you get the general idea. ;0)
I've come away with loads of ideas of how to use up all my spare yarn by knitting cushion covers and throws - in all directions!
glad you had a good day on the course linda, am so jealous of the iona, dont forget to bring some to the next meet so i can have a fondle lol.
did you get a goodie bag this time??
Ooooh, Iona *is* gorgeous isn't it? I bought several skeins of the Slate colourway when I was over at Colinette on holiday this year. Wonderful stuff it is. I feel an Iona-along coming on..... lol!
Spooky coincidence the Salty Dog thing though :-O
love debs xx
No wonder you couldn't resist! Iona is just beautiful and I love the colourway you chose. Look forward to seeing what it becomes:)
Thanks for the comments. :0)
Debz - we did get another goodie bag, which will be contributing to my cushion cover/throw when I eventually get around to it. ;0)
who are we to ignore fate?
love the yarn and the colour too...
Sounds like you had a brilliant day and that Iona is lush and I love the colour. I kept my eyes closed when I went past the shelves that stocked it as finaces couldn't stretch that far ;)
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