First of all, last Wednesday I received my bag from Fairynuff (aka Sue) in the Angel Yarns September Swap.
and just look at this cute button - made by Jominx. How sweet is that?!
Which I think are almost too nice to use as stitch markers - I'm quite tempted to turn them into a charm bracelet. :0)
And then yesterday (Friday), I received a very large box which was postmarked "The Netherlands". My clue, on a postcard of Spaubeek, was 'feline knitting style' and my swap partner was Continental Cat (aka Jeannet).
And after frantically ripping off the wrapping ;0) this is what I found -
On the edible front - ;0) - I had (from the left) -
a pack of spicy cinnamon biscuits (I love cinnamon) which are a local speciality, only available between end of September and beginning of December, to welcome the arrival of St. Nicolas, a glass jar (which itself is very cute!) of Hill Country Marmalade, which tastes of summer fruits, a pack of fruit tea (made with apples, cinnamon and almonds) and two blocks of chocolates on wooden spoons - a brilliant idea - you dip them in a warm drink and suck the chocolate off. Lush!
So thank you to Sue and Jeannet for my wonderful presents. :0)
The presents have been a welcome distraction this weekend because I'm full up with yet another cold. :0( It was only the week before last that I had another one - and I was off work for 4 days with it. If I feel like this on Monday, I'll have to drag myself into work - and hopefully pass out cold on the floor so they send me home ;0) - because if I call in sick again with a heavy cold, they're bound to think I'm pulling a fast one! Annoyingly today my ears have been blocked so I feel like I'm hearing everything through cotton wool.
Anyway, enough of me and my ailments - ;0) - I'm off to knit some more falling leaves ...............
great gifts there linda, you are very lucky indeed.
pity about another cold, you seem to be having them an awful lot lately, hope you are feeling better soon.
My auntie reckons I should go to the doctor for some antibiotics or something to help get it out of my system, but in January when I was flat out with flu and I asked him for some, he practically laughed at me and said they wouldn't do any good anyway. :0( (He has an awful bedside manner!)
Cor.....look at all that, lucky you. Hope your cold goes soon.
What lovely presents :-) How is Ula going, I have done the front and back.
Most colds are viral infctions, sadly antibiotics only fight bacterial infections, but of course it is possible to pick up a secondary bacterial infection on top of the cold.
I hope you feel better soon.
Joy, that's exactly what the doctor told me this morning. ;0) She did give me some antibiotics but said they may not work.
Re. Ula - I've done the back and 2 fronts and I'm now on the sleeves, so hopefully I won't be too much longer. I love how quickly this knits up. :0)
Ooooh you've been well and truly spoilt!! Swaps are so exciting! I can't wait to join in the next one!
I hope your cold goes, somtimes we do seem to go through phases of getting them really often. It does mean more knitting time if you're stuck at home though!! :)
Wow! What lovely gifts.
Hope you're feeling better now?
Thanks for the comments. :0) I'm still feeling rotten and now my voice is going (so DH is happy!). I dragged myself into work this week because I felt guilty about taking time off the week before last when I was ill (plus I had a few comments about being off), only for the same people to complain that I was spreading my germs about. Honestly, you just can't please some people ............
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