More afghan squares, I'm afraid. ;0)
The first is Ann McCauley's Bobbledy Aran from the Great American Afghan Book, in Cascade 220 yarn (Ice Mint) with 5mm KnitPicks Options.
The second is Eyelet Posies from Vogue Stitchionary No. 1. Again, same needles. same yarn but different colourway - Lavender.
Nice to know then, that 5, 10 or even maybe 15 years in the future, when I see my aunty's afghan, I'll remember watching "Larva" on Sci-Fi last night.
Alien, bat-like, parasitic creatures erupting from animals and people and sucking them dry. :0?
Hmmmmmm ....................... maybe I need to re-think the kind of TV programmes I watch!?! ;0)
Wow those cables below look amazing! I love them! The two abover look great too, I love the colours! Just noticed we have the same blog templates - great minds think alike eh ;)
Aww cheers! They are on my ebay, I'm handmade_with_care, there is a link on my blog just by my profile piccie!
I've just learnt to cable, so appreciate them all the more!
Guess who's just bought the monkey stitch markers?!? :0)
Oh you absolute star!! I am so chuffed to be sending them to you! I can't wait for you to get them! :D *dances about*
Ooh Linda, do you want rings for up to 4.5mm needles, or up to 9mm needles? :D
Up to 4.5mm thanks. :0)
All done, they are wrapped and ready to go tomorrow!
You've absolutely made my week! I am so glad you like them :D
*very very happy bunny*
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