I finished the first baby blanket for my cousin at the beginning of this month. I used 2 x 100g balls of Stylecraft Special DK, yarn held double on 6mm needles.
The yarn is Fyberspates Merino Tencel in the Sherbet colourway, which reminds me of Battenburg cake so you can imagine what I've been obsessing about since starting these! ;0)
I love the twisted cable on the rib, too. It was a bit difficult to start with - twisting through the backs of loops - but wasn't too bad once I'd got going.
It was worth it because it really finishes the socks off nicely.
In between my first and second Sockamania sock, I made this - Regia Silk Colour on 2.5 mm needles.
Again, this was yarn I swapped online and I really must buy more - it's lovely to knit with and feels great on the foot. I managed to get a nice long leg from the first 50g ball too. The second one will be started once my Sockamania socks are finished.
The newest Knitting magazine arrived yesterday before I went to our knitting group meeting in Pontypool. There was a lovely cable jacket on the back which kept nagging at me the whole time I was there, so I popped into my LYS on the way home and bought some wool to make it. They didn't have enough of the shade of Sirdar Click Chunky I wanted, so I went for Sirdar Peru Naturals in the Machu Picchu colurway (# 0553).
It's the first time I've used this yarn but I really like how it's knitting up, it feels a lot softer than it does on the ball.
I'm using 6.5mm needles as recommended and it's knitting up nice and quickly, which is always a bonus. ;0)
At the knitting group yesterday, I didn't get much knitting done because I was teaching 2 new members, Alison and Ruth, how to make toe-up socks. .
On the topic of dog coats, I'd like to say a very big thank you to Alison and her mam who knitted some dog coats to be donated to the Many Tears Rescue in Llanelli.
So thanks again for all your work in making these sweaters - the dogs will really appreciate being toasty warm when they're wearing them. :0)
What lovely socks!
Funnily enough I cast on with some Sirdar Peru Naturals only last night. The colour I am using is Pacaya. I love the colour you are using. I'm sticking with the 6.5 mm's too, and what a lovely stitch the yarn produces :-)
Ooooh, that Peru Naturals colourway is lovely!
So's the rest of the knitting. You've been busy!
I hope you're feeling better, I've nominated you with an award to cheer you up ;)
Lovely knits as always, I love the socks and dog coats.
Hope you're feeling loads better!
What a stunning collection of FO's and WIPs. Especially like the cabled cardigan - how's it coming along?
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