It was only after e-mailing the company that I found some photos I'd taken of the blankets I made last year, nice close ups. So good in fact that I could see how many stitches I had OTN and from there work out the pattern. It was a toss up between sl1, k2tog, psso or k3tog on the pattern row - I went for the sl1, k2tog, psso in the end because it looked more like the photo. ;0)
And this is what I have at the moment -
2 of my cousin's friends have had baby boys recently and one is due next week. She wants me to knit three blankets in a fortnight! She's got no chance! I have, however, agreed to get one done within the next fortnight and let her have the other 2 as soon as I can. (I do have a life, you know, and DS and DH demand to be fed occasionally!)
I've been knitting dog sweaters again for Many Tears Rescue in Llanelli, South Wales. They're short of Labrador-sized sweaters at the moment so I'm using some Sirdar Country Style DK in Teal that I've had in my stash for over 2 years - it was originally bought to make me a cardigan but by the time I got around to using it, I'd gone off the pattern!
And I'm only 10 rows of rib away from finishing these socks for my aunty. Remember the merino/tencel ones which I'd promised her and then kept myself? Well, these are to make up for it. ;0)
The yarn is The Yarn Yard Soulmates sock yarn in the Arm in Arm colourway. I have 50g of the variegated left over and 10g of the solid so I should be able to make another pair of socks for myself out of that. Excellent value for money, I'd say.
Ooooh, the blankie is looking great and am so impressed about your achievements sans pattern ... Hope the company comes up trumps.
3?? There'll be steam coming off those needles ...
Fab socks, and you have done very well to work out the pattern. You do know you'll find it when you have knitted all three blankets don't you............. lol!
Gosh Linda, I've just been catching up on your blog. You've done loads of knitting so far this year!I like the pattern to the baby blanket and those Fairisle socks are gorgeous. How do you do it?
Aknita - Yup, "sod's law" says that the pattern will turn up when all 3 blankets have been knit! Isn't that always the way?!
Cinders - I'm afraid I spend far too much time knitting and not enough on housework - so my DH says anyway! ;0)
Although I haven't picked my needles up once tonight - I've got a really sore throat and just don't feel like knitting a stitch. I just can't be bothered, which isn't like me at all. :0(
The blanket looks great. I hope your sore throat gets better soon. Yuk. x
Your blanket looks great. I'm sorry to hear you lost the pattern. It's bound to turn up when you've finished knitting all 3 blankets!!!
I love the socks too :-)
love the look of the blanket. 3 to knit? better get going!! Tell DH to do housework, I do ;)
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