I'd taken him to the vet the day before we left because he hadn't been well - he had breathing problems which the vet thought was maybe a tumour on his lungs secondary to a tumour he had removed in April. He was on antibiotics and Vitamin B and seemed to perk up a bit. He was fine during the car journey and on Friday when we arrived at the cottage but he went downhill quickly on Saturday afternoon. His breathing was laboured and he was very listless.
We were debating whether to ring a local vets in Aberaeron (to have him PTS - never an easy decision) when I went to have another check on him. He passed away peacefully just as I was smoothing him. DS (5) was devastated as it's the first time he's encountered anything dying. Toffee (the rat with the pink eyes) was depressed for the rest of holiday and was looking everywhere for Robbie.
We went to the local pet shop, who had a single 10 week old male rat available for adoption from a litter which had been brought in 2 weeks before. He had been on his own in a cage for about a week and was very skittish. However, he took to Toffee straight away and they've bonded really well. Toffee has perked up no end.
And yes, I really do have a pair of pyjama bottoms with pink cup cakes on!!
The pattern is very easy and quick to knit and looks really effective. I'm hoping to finish sock #1 tomorrow. I altered the pattern slightly to knit these toe up - I've been addicted to toe up ever since I knitted Anni's Falling in Love pattern back in February. I haven't made a top-down sock since!
So sorry to hear about Robbie ... it's so hard to lose one of the 'family', isn't it?
DD1 has 2 rats who both look like Toffee. Glad to hear that Nibbles is settling in so well and making life happier for you all.
Sorry about Robbie - as you know Our Holly hamster died last week, the day after Robbie in fact.
Isn't it funny how attached you get to these little things.
Sorry to hear about Robbie, it's never 'just a pet', but part of the family. And poor Toffee must have been at a loss.
Where did you find those pyjamas? I love them! And the socks are great, too, of course.
Sorry to hear about Robbie too, like you say it's such a shame they live such short lives as they are great companions. My oldest turns two in December so i am preparing myself now for his inevitable demise :o(
Still, i'll be getting two babies in January so the cycle will continue!
Thanks for all your comments about Robbie. I can't believe how quickly Nibble is growing - he seems to have doubled in size this past week. :0)
Continentalcat - I bought the pyjamas at Peacocks for about £3.00 I think. They're lovely and warm because they're made of brushed cotton. There's a shirt-style top to go with the bottoms - but that has pink cup cakes on too, and it's just a bit "in your face" to wear both together!
Ohhh... so sorry about your little furbaby. Rats are such wonderful pets, aren't they? Glad you have a new little face in there to keep the other one company.
So sorry to hear about Robbie. No matter how small they are you still become attached and they're still one of the family. The more I hear about rats the more I want some one day! Your other two are gorgeous, it's great that the've bonded well. xx
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