I had a lovely relaxing afternoon watching the classic film It's a Wonderful Life (with James Stewart and Donna Reed) and knitting the first mitten.
I decided to go with black and cream (instead of black and red) because it will match my new winter coat perfectly. :0) Who knows, I'll probably knit a black and red pair as well, just because I love this pattern so much. ;0)
The only change I made to the pattern was to use 2 circular needles (Knit Picks classic circulars) instead of DPNs - I just find circs much easier to work with.
Hopefully I can get the second mitten finished tomorrow and I'll have lovely toasty hands on the drive to work. :0)
I love how the garter stitch feels (very smooshy!) and the way the stripes knitted up nice and randomly.
I used almost every last bit of yarn and have a scarf that is approx. 5 inches wide by 60 inches long.
I used 3.5mm Knit Picks Options circs.
I was hoping to be able to show you the cute dog coats I made recently but I still haven't sewn the buttons on. (Been too busy knitting mittens!) Hopefully I'll get those done some time next week. :0)
Love that mitten! Your colour work is so even. Nice scarf too. I love the way variegated and striped yarns work up in this pattern.
Great mitten, your colour work looks lovely. Yummy scarf as well, now where did I put my ice cream! ;)
Linda, thank you so much for the glorious sock yarn and pattern that you sent to me - it's wonderful!!
I love your little lamb by the way.... it looks like we've both been very lucky with competitions recently *wink*
love Debs xx
oooh love that scarf, I can just taste the mint choc chip! The mittens look great too, just what we need for this cold weather.
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