Two years ago, I bought the yarn to make Minnie from Rowan Magazine 39 - I loved everything about this design - the wide, faffy sleeves, the lacy-ness, everything.
Within 3-4 months, I had knit the back and 2 fronts. (including bobbles and yarn-overs galore)
I then discovered (maybe a year after buying the yarn) that maybe I didn't love it as much as I thought. *rolls eyes* Okay, no problem, I'd omit the sleeves and wear it as a slip over. TWO YEARS later, and it's still in my WIP bag, no further on. :0(
So last week I decide to bite the bullet and frog the yarn. I thought I'd be really upset - all that wasted time and energy - but no, it's actually a relief to have gotten rid of it. ;0)
This makes me wonder if I'm not more of a process knitter than a product knitter (I think that's what the Yarn Harlot calls it, isn't it, when you prefer the process of knitting rather than the end product?)
Anyway, whatever the technical term for it is, I've frogged the yarn and re-wound it into yarn cakes ready to be knitted into this -
(I said that yarn colour was 'toxic' didn't I?!)
Elsewhere in my knitting life, I have finally finished the HipKnits Project Club silk cardi, although whether I'm totally happy with it has yet to be decided. This is how it's supposed to look, with a button at the neck (I have yet to buy that button, btw ;0) ).
A friend on another forum suggested that for women with 'lady lumps' (*LOL* I love that description!) perhaps a button under the bust would be more flattering. So, here's what that would look like.
What do you think? At the neck ...... or under the bust?
Honest opinions, please! I'd like to hear what you really think, rather than what you think I'd like to hear! If you think I look like a fat and frumpy sausage, I'd rather know about it. ;0)
Thank you. :0)
I think two buttons under the bust -- pulling in the colored area -- would give a better defined waist.
Pretty sweater. Where to place the button? I like the picture with it under the bust. It gives a beautiful accent to your figure. When it is pinned at the top it still looks nice, but it does not flatter your figure or give shape to your silhouette.
Thank you both for your comments. :0)
I think I'm going to go with 2 or 3 buttons under the bust, possibly fastening right to the bottom of the cardi. Much as I don't like tight fitting garments, it does look better. :0)
I like both so I'm no help! Lol. But I can see that buttons under the bust would be more practical and I would prefer to wear it like that if it were mine. So under the bust it is.
The frog pond can be so liberating sometimes :-)
I do like your cardigan. I think it suits you either way tbh - fat lot of help that is lol
That blue cardigan is gorgeous!
I agree that the button under the bust looks better than the one at the top. It might look absolutely fabulous, though, if you moved the button (whether it's the only button, or the first of a few) up just a smidge to the start of the colourwork band. Possibly.
And sometimes the frog pond can be the best place for something. Then the yarn's free to be knit into something else!
Well done for finishing...I'm going to have to really beat my own bottom to get mine done, especially as I said I would wear it for woolfest...might yet be working on it still at woolfest...I have sort of fallen out with it....MEANWHILE...I think the lower buttons (for lady lumps is that boobs, or 'muffin tops? I have both!)are more flattering...could you put buttons all the way down and have the choice depending on whether you feel like one shape or the other is most flattering? Fran
I prefer the shot with it buttoned under the bust, it seemed to draaw the eye more naturally to your waist. At th top it still looks good but makes the eye flare outwards slightly. Love the colours. ( not the toxic) the design itself was beautiful.
I prefer it with the button under the bust. I have lady lumps too so its nice to see patterns that i have stayed away from given a tiny but very effective twist. Lane
I like the one at the neck OR two at the waist 2-3 actually spaced close for less gap and defining the waist cinch. Cute though!
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