This is one of the reasons why I haven't been around as much lately - Snoopy, a 14 year old lab cross, who we adopted from Many Tears Rescue in Llanelli two weeks ago.
He's the first dog we've had who has liked to cuddle up to other dogs when he's sleeping.
Not to be left out, Lexi thought she'd give it a try too. ;0)
Buster, however, still refuses to cuddle up to anyone. But he did at least agree to have his photo taken next to Snoopy. :0)
I finished the Sirdar Click cable jacket yesterday, although I used Sirdar Peru Naturals instead, Machu Picchu colourway. I used 10 balls of Peru - the pattern stated 16 balls of Click.
I did a slightly smaller collar than on the pattern (2 inches less of rib) because I never feel comfortable with a huge collar around my neck.
This was a very quick knit, even with the cables up the front and back. I started it on the 16th February, worked on other projects as well, and finished it on 22nd March. Altogether, it took 8 days to knit and sew up.
I also finished the 2nd baby blanket for my cousin, same details as previous blanket. This one only took 3 days to complete - I'll be able to knit this in my sleep soon!
And because I've finished a few projects, I thought I'd cast on straight away for my next one - the HipKnits Project Club cardigan kit. It uses 500g of HipKnits Silk Aran for the main colour (a beautiful deep blue), has a fairisle band around the middle using 100g of variegated silk aran (Splash) and is knit from the top down. I've only managed about 10 rows so far, which doesn't exactly make for an exciting picture. ;0)
Heartwarming dog-piccies...Snoopy has found his niche :) Lovely cargigan, the cables, colour, fir...everything!!
I kove the cardigan in Machu pichu. The peru naturals yarn is pleasure to knit with, and the colours are so gentle.
Aww, look at the beautiful dogs. I love seeing rescued pets fitting in well and being happy in their new homes.
Sweater's lovely, too!
Ah, he looks so cute, I'm glad it's working out and he's fitting in nicely.
Love the cardigan, it's a great colour.
Great pictures of the dog family and so pleased Snoopy is settling in so well at home!
I love the cardigan - it looks made to snuggle into and just perfect for our current weather.
dont forget to bring that pattern for me on saturday pretty please linda :), i have the click but not quite enough balls so thought i might just do a short sleeved verion.
great to see all the dogs together, buster looks like he is getting on really well
I love your cardigan Linda.
And I am sooo sorry about Buster ((hugs)) what lovely photos of all three of them together.
Cute dogs. And love your knits. And I so wish I'd joined the HipKnits project club now. Those colours are gorgeous.
It's wonderful that you have given a home to an older dog - older animals are so often overlooked and need love too. He seems to have made himself well and truly at home!
Fabulous jacket too!
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