I recently took part in a Secret Santa swap on the Crafty Threads n Yarn forum and I thoroughly enjoyed it. My parcel came from Franney and she did some spot-on stalking - I couldn't have chosen better for myself. Thank you Franney! :0)
She sent me a gorgeous project bag in scary Halloween fabric (which she made herself).
Now, me and Franney share an interest - we both own pet rats - and so she made me a hammock for my ratties in the same fabric as my project bag. How fab is this?! It's lined with fleece fabric - and my 4 think it's the bee's knees - they're so comfy, I now have to physically remove them for playtime! *LOL*
This isn't the best photo, but I can assure you that this hammock is so well made, and much better than anything I've bought from a shop before.
Be warned Franney - I'll be sending orders your way in the future! ;0)
Just in case you were wondering, the dogs weren't left out either - they received a bag of Pedigree treats but being the big fat greedy pigs they are, they've eaten them already so I don't have a photo to show you! *LOL*
Right, back to me! ;0) I also had the most fabulous pair of mittens - again made by Franney (she's so talented) - to wear when I walk the dogs.
They have a flap on the back so I can whip my fingers out when I need them - how ingenious is that?!
They are very warm - and again match my new winter coat perfectly. :0)
Also in my parcel was this fab "knitted" mug - way cool! and I've wanted one for ages - some shortbread biscuits and some Green and Black's spicy chocolate, which unfortunately didn't last long but was absolutely delicious. :0)
I went to Get Knitted in Bristol today for a course on Professional Finishing with Debbie Abrahams. However, when I arrived at 10.05 a.m., I was told that the course had been cancelled because Debbie was ill and I should have had a phone call to let me know. Obviously I hadn't *rolls eyes*. But the day was not a complete waste of time because GK offered me 20% on any purchases I made to make up for any inconvenience. I wanted to buy some Knit Picks Harmony needle tips anyway and a "few" other things just happened to fall into my basket while I was there. *LOL* ;0)
some Manos del Uruguay silk blend (luscious!) to make Hibiscus
and a ball of Sublime extra fine merino wool DK to finish of a pair of Corazon mittens for a Christmas present
and some needle tips, patterns etc. - "just because" - *LOL*
Now, just so you don't think I haven't been doing anything at all while I haven't been blogging, here are a couple of FOs - ;0)
I LOVE this pattern. :0)
It takes me about 6 hours to knit a pair of mittens and people think you've sweated blood making them! *LOL*
Finally, I made my son this scarf - from Morehouse Farm Merino - I still need to add some "smoke" coming from his nostrils but it's 99% done -
I'm Welsh, need I say more? ;0)