Here are some photos - click on them to make them bigger -
This was a selection pack which cost £20. I can't believe how much yarn is crammed into the bag - once I'd got it out, I had a job to get it back in again! There are loads of lovely yarn samples in there - best of all, there is enough Jitterbug in there to make 3 pairs of socks.
The blue, on the left, is about 50g and enough for a pair for DS, the pink/red and light/dark brown is enough to make 2 pairs for myself, with different colours for the heels/toes etc.
Next, I bought 2 skeins of Jitterbug - Alizarine on the left and Tapis on the right. The blue yarn in front was from the sale room and is Banyan yarn (£2 per skein) which I'm going to use to make the Alva cardigan from the Banyan book.
This is 2 skeins of Tao silk (from the sale room). I'm not sure what it's going to be yet but I've got the Arboretum book so may make either a scarf, fingerless mitts or a bag.
And finally, this is the goodie bag that all participants on the course had. It's got some great yarn samples in it and I can't wait to get started making some squares. I've decided to make some cushion covers for the living room, so these sample yarns will come in really useful.
Lovely stuff you have there!
I can't believe that bagful was only £20...there's loads of yarn in it!!!!!
Oh i'm so green with envy lol
Your little crochet bag is very cute too :D
Gorgeous yarns. And that Jitterbug is just stunning. I'm tempted to go and dig out some JItterbug right now. Lovel ylittle bag too. WEll done.
It was a great day, wasn't it? Nice to meet you at last!! wow you did by a lot, and very nice stuff too. Your crochet bag is so cute, I feel embarrassed now that I only managed one paltry square before I got bored ;) I have a bit of leftover jay jitterbug from my socks if you run out and need more.
Thanks for the comments everyone. :0)
Christina - If you think that was a lot, you should have seen what I bought last year. *LOL* I went way over the top, spent about £150 and had enough yarn to make 7 different projects. 5 of which I actually made, which was pretty good. ;0)
And thanks for the offer of spare jay jitterbug. It may well come in handy - DS likes his socks loonngg (like me) but I want to make him some ankle socks next. In the summer, he just looks silly wearing shorts and socks almost up to his knees!
soooo jealous linda, when i went they didnt have bargains like that, i want to go NOW to see if they have them bargains for me :)
Thats a whole lot of goodies there. Me and Deb are now off to collinette today lol.
oohhhh, look at all those goodies! And I love your bag! One day, I'll get to Collinette:)
Blog-blethers - You could always come with me next time I go. ;0)
I was thinking of going to the course on 29th September - knitting in all directions. Can't make up my mind though. I'm such a ditherer!
I'm going on the cabling course, if they get enough people. I've hidden the jay jitterbug out of reach from littlies. Aren't kids funny about their clothes, even in summer DS has to wear a jumper or cardigan zipped right up like dr who, as he reckons???? bizarre!!
Didn't you do well - and you managed to produce something worth photgraphing crochet wise too. I was pathetic!
See you again on the 29th!
Linda, just to let you know that you are now a "Rockin' Girl Blogger" for having gone on the Colinette Course. You can put a button in your sidebar :)
I nominated you and Christina on my blog.
Squeeee!!! Thanks Joy. Off button hunting now! ;0)
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