Most of my morning was spent at the local carpet warehouse with DH, trying to choose a new vinyl for the hallway. Whatever I liked, he didn't and vice versa! Eventually, we settled on this one and it really makes a difference. We had carpet in the hallway before and with 2 dogs and a 5 year old in the house, it was really showing its age. :0( We would have liked laminate flooring but the dogs find it difficult to walk on - we had this experience on holiday last year when Buster refused to walk from the bedroom to the kitchen because of the laminate floor and had to be practically carried from one room to another.
And while DH was fitting the vinyl, I did the sensible thing and went shopping. Well, DS needed new trainers. ;0) While I was out, I picked up some snazzy new slippers for myself - £6 in Brantano. They're a bit "Bet Lynch" and not what I'd normally go for, but they're really bright and cheery. Just what I need in this horrible weather. ;0)
I have done some work today though. ;0)
When I came back from shopping I cleaned out the rats' cage and couldn't resist taking some photos. It was difficult though because they just wouldn't keep still. ;0) I love the picture below - such a cute look on Robbie's face (he's on the right). Toffee refused to pose however. ;0)
And this photo was taken when their cage was all nice and clean. I'd love to have a few more rats but this cage is just big enough for the two of them and it wouldn't be fair for them not to be crammed into a small cage and not have enough room to run around. And unfortunately we don't have room for another large cage.
Rats have such wonderful characters and make lovely pets. :0)
oh, the baby stuff is so cute. But I love your rats. The brown and white one looks the splitting image to one I used to have called Maggie!!!!
love the baby stuff linda, that cardi is very very cute indeed.
loving the slippers too (heehee at bet lynch)
EEEE. RATS! Oh, and precious ones, too.
Love the baby knits. I'll have to get going on some baby knits for my sister who's pregnant. Uh, rats. Sorry but I hate them.
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